Developing leaders to amplify impact.

Kaleidoscope Collaborative is a human-centered leadership accelerator for mission-driven organizations to promote business growth & positive change through executive coaching, team development, and community impact.

A kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting mirrors tilted to each other at an angle, so that assorted objects on one end are shown as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end, due to repeated reflection.

This repeated reflection is the work of leaders.

It is what allows them to get clear on what matters most, elevate problem-solving, make decisions with broader impact, and create clarity out of chaos -even with constant rotations and ever-changing views.

Core Belief

Conventional thinking limits the potential for greatness. To thrive in today’s uncertain and ever-changing business landscape, leaders need to expand how they think. When we create time and space for leaders to cultivate self-awareness and create collective action, powerful possibilities emerge.

Jennifer Habig, PhD | Cofounder

We’re co-creators, not consultants.

As your organization’s trusted partner, our mission is to accelerate the growth of leaders and teams to expand impact, create value, and fuel collective progress.

Having worked together for two decades, Jen and I have found that having mutually shared values and beliefs allow us to work with our clients in a unique and genuine way. We are passionate about helping individuals grow and reach their full potential both personally and professionally.

Jeremy Hirshberg, PhD | Cofounder

Kaleidoscope Collaborative works with start-ups to mid-size organizations across the country to launch, grow, and mindfully adapt to changing business cycles. We have worked in multiple industries including Finance, Healthcare, Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Energy. Whatever your starting place, we look forward to supporting your mission.

Who we serve

Get in touch

Book your discovery call with Kaleidoscope Collaborative to learn how we can support you and your team.