What we hold true drives what we do.

Founded in 2022, Kaleidoscope Collaborative was created with a vision to enact positive change by developing leaders who focus both on improving their organizations as well as the communities which they live and serve.

Having learned and worked together for over two decades, we have found that having shared values and beliefs allow us to work with our clients in a unique and truly authentic way. We are passionate about helping individuals grow and reach their full potential, both personally and professionally.

Our Team

With over 40 years of collective experience, Jen and Jeremy have worked across industries supporting leaders, teams and organizations in improving performance, engagement, and impact. The two bring deep expertise in adult development, organizational psychology, and systems thinking. They have coached leaders and teams from all levels and industries and have direct experience in starting, running, building and leading businesses. 

  • Co-Founder

    A coach, consultant, and executive leader, Jennifer has helped organizations understand the impact of individual and collective leadership on their success. Her background allows her to understand both the psychological and business aspects of what drives success. She believes in the power of helping leaders make sense of what they are experiencing and see themselves and their organizations from new perspectives that allow them to take action in new ways.

    With a doctorate in Consulting Psychology and 20+ years of experience supporting leaders, her approach focuses on creating space for dialogue, powerful questions, re-framing, and connection that expands possibilities for growth and business outcomes.

    Jennifer is based in Southern California with her husband Josh and their daughter Elise. She enjoys being in nature, playing games with Elise, practicing yoga and meditation, watching live music, and playing pickleball. When she needs to get grounded, you’ll find her at the beach.

    email: jennifer@kaleidoscopecollaborative.com

  • Co-Founder

    Drawing on professional experience in a range of roles from Founder to C-Suite executive, Jeremy guides start-ups Founders, CEOs, and leaders focused on building purpose-driven teams and organizations. He specializes in partnering with leaders and their teams to develop leadership and organizational strategies with clear vision, mission, and that cultivate team and organizational performance.

    With a doctorate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and 15+ years of experience supporting executives, his approach is collaborative, genuine, and grounded in scientific research and theory that produce meaningful outcomes for the teams he works with.

    Jeremy is based in Southern California with his wife Shelley, their two sons, and a trio of rescue dogs: Rebel, Echo, and Trixie. In his free time, you’ll find him playing frisbee golf, golfing, skiing, or simply taking in the sounds of nature to get inspired.

    email: jeremy@kaleidoscopecollaborative.com

About Our Name

Kaleidoscope comes from Greek words kalos, meaning "beauty,” eidos, meaning "form, shape,“ and skopeō, meaning, "to examine.” When finding a name for our collective, we were inspired by the symbol of the kaleidoscope as a way to find beauty through the examination of form.

It reminds us of the way small parts work together to create a whole product, and a shared vision.

It reminds us that repeated reflection can create clarity out of chaos.

It reminds us that one small rotation can create an entirely new perspective.